About Me
Hello there!
I am a Chiropractor who has mastered Applied Kinesiology, a technique based on functional muscle testing. I am a founding member of the Retained Neonatal Reflexes Technique and love assisting little people to function better. I see a lot of adults as well but children really are my passion.
Since you’ve stumbled upon my page you’ve probably been looking into some of the things that I’m passionate about.
Perhaps you are one of my previous patients whose trying to track me down after a few shifts in my clinical life, one of my existing patients finding out more about what makes me tick, or someone who is just getting curious about what else there is to try, or who else there is to see for a health issue that you would like resolved? Or maybe you are a health professional interested in learning Applied Kinesiology or Retained Neonatal Reflexes technique?
My interest in learning difficulty and developmental delay have attracted to me thousands of children, tweens, teens and adults who I’ve treated over these past 22 years in clinic with a myriad of long standing concerns.
I’m working from a bright and vibrant clinic in Lutwyche called Align&SHINE. Visit alignandshine.me for more information or check out some of my other sites listed below.
Diagnostics using functional neurology and manual muscle testing along with manual Chiropractic adjusting skills has held me in good stead to influence the function and wellbeing of my patients since 2002. I see anyone with a body! From athletes at the top of their careers, sports people after their careers, active people, sedentary people, elderly people, middle aged people, and of course, I see lots and lots of little people.
I love the symbiotic relationship I have with my students. A room a-buzz with people eager to learn what I know, while I get a kick out of sharing my knowledge and experiences with patient care and business development. The sharing of ideas and real-life applications has taken me to the stage for community talks, healthcare industry seminars, as well as international congresses.
I founded an award winning Chiropractic healthcare clinic in 2005. It grew to employ five Chiropractors and twelve support staff. Together we treated in excess of 18,000 patient appointments annually. I sold the business in 2016.
2018 saw me roll out an amazingly innovative healthcare product for the gut called Enterosgel®. That same year I opened a fresh-faced clinic Align&SHINE which is now located in Lutwyche.
There’s nothing quite like a deadline to get you focussed, and events are like a deadline that go off with a BANG! I love the build up and crescendo that event management brings to my life.
17-20 July takes me to Nashville, USA to present for the annual ICAK International Congress for ICAK’s 60th Anniversary. What a mile stone!
The first quarter of this year is dedicated to a 3 month intensive online marketing course with coaching, as I recognise the old ways of reaching practitioners for seminar marketing is not where people are looking for information anymore. If it’s not on the socials, busy practitioners are not finding the info. I’m really excited to be doing this as it should help all my future ventures.
This year we’re also due to present the two part RNR F2F course in Australia.
What a year to come!
In September I hosted an online professional webinar for the Australasian College of Behavioural Optometrists (ACBO) on the collaboration between Chiropractic and Behavioural Optometry for a teen with long standing dizziness who had suffered clavicle fracture at birth. Long term clavicle dysfunction and disruption to normal Cervico-ocular and Vestibulo-ocular reflex integration will be discussed.
I have been asked to write some papers for publication in the Asia Pacific Chiropractic Journal which will start to come to fruition in the second half of 2024 and early 2025.
RNR Course has now been developed into an online on-demand course for ignition in August 2023.
This year saw my clinic in Chermside West inundated with sewage forcing me to relocate to a more hygienic setting at Chermside Chiropractic for the next 12 months while finding a more permanent clinical home.
Instead I taught Professional Applied Kinesiology Course in Brisbane (February-November) to a wonderful team of Chiropractors.
I presented at the ICAK-Australasia AGM in Adelaide come cases of disrupted clavicle function after fracture in infancy and how it can be a disruptor to ideal optical function, and how focussed treatment at the clavicle, neck and shoulder girdle can improve exophoria.
I will be presenting at The Kids Summit 2021 in August. It is an annual fundraising event where proceeds go to Chiropractic Paediatric and Pregnancy research.
RNR Course is also being developed into an online on-demand course for ignition 2022.
My daughter starts Prep and Max, our cavoodle pup, joins our family and quickly becomes a regular in clinic too.
It pretty well stopped the world. It certainly stopped me from presenting at seminars, however with Chiropractic being an essential service, our patients were treated in-clinic throughout the year with precautionary measures in place.
Enterosgel® will feature at the Naturally Good Expo in Sydney June 2&3.
Presenting ‘AK Certification Seminar – Session 8‘, Sydney May 3&4.
Gigi is a bright and happy 3 year old (with an imaginary friend) and life with her is packed with joy.
Enterosgel was a proud sponsor of NIIM – National Institute of Integrative Medicine’s AGM Conference in Melbourne in November.
Enterosgel® is being distributed through Oborne Health Supplies, NaturalChemist.com.au, Vital.ly, and FxMed (NZ). I am regularly presenting webinars on Enterosgel to sales reps and professionals. Contact me if you’d like to know more.
Opened Brilliance Chiropractic on 12 March 2018 in Redcliffe Peninsula then reestablished my clinic in Chermside West in August 2018. This has made for one busy, creative and thoroughly enjoyable year! I love starting-up businesses with a personality!
Presented ‘AK Certification Seminar – Sessions 1 – Basic Procedures‘ July 13-14 and ‘Session 4 – Cranials’ Nov 30-Dec 1 in Sydney.
And my beautiful daughter, G, is 2 years old and I’m loving every second of mummahood.
Presenting ‘AK Certification Seminar – Sessions 7-8‘, Brisbane
Continued to work clinically at YourBodyWorks, Brisbane.
Sold YourBodyWorks Chiropractic Business in July. I continued to work at YourBodyWorks as an Associate Chiropractor and Lecturer.
Invited to present at ICAK-International Conference in Seoul, South Korea but unfortunately had to decline due to my pregnancy
Release 2nd Edition of our fully illustrated patient information book about Retained Neonatal Reflexes program available for purchase by RNR practitioners
Retained Neonatal Reflexes booklet is now available on Amazon in English, French and German
Susan and her Husband Chris expanded their family in December welcoming daughter Geneva – a little sister for Noah
Presented ‘Retained Neonatal Reflexes’ two part seminar in Brisbane
Presented ‘Workshopping Joe Shafer’s Lumbar Disc Protocols / Core Strength and Thoracic Disc Involvement’ procedures, ICAK-Australasia AGM, Melbourne
Presented ‘AK Certification Seminar – Session 7’, Sydney
Presented ‘AK Certification Seminar – Session 7’, Auckland
Presented ‘AK Certification Seminar – Session 1 and 4’, Sydney
Presented ‘AK Certification Seminar – Session 1 and 5’, Auckland
Presented ‘Core Strength and Thoracic Disc Involvement’ procedures, ICAK-International Conference, Cairns
Invited to present at ICAK-International Conference in Montreal, Quebec
Presented ‘Retained Neonatal Reflexes’ two part seminar in Sydney
Presented ‘AK Certification Seminar – Session 4, 5 and 7’, Melbourne
Commencing a 2.5hr workshop for Early Childhood Teachers to help them better understand the effects of primitive reflex retention in their students
YourBodyWorks have a team of 5 Chiropractors (from April 2012)
YourBodyWorks was a finalist in Quest Business Achievers Award 2011 for Healthcare category for City North.
Susan nominated for Telstra Women’s Business Award 2011 for Integrity
Presented ‘Retained Neonatal Reflexes’ two part seminar in Brisbane and Melbourne.
Presented ‘AK Certification Seminar – Session 8’, Sydney.
Invited by ICAK-Benelux to present ‘Retained Neonatal Reflexes’ seminar in Brussels, Belgium (September)
Released 44 page fully illustrated book about Retained Neonatal Reflexes program as a patient aid available for purchase by other RNR practitioners
Developed official RNR posters and patient hand-outs available to other RNR practitioners
RNR Website Convenor and brochure developer – www.retainedneonatalreflexes.com.au
Presented ‘AK Certification 8 Seminar Series’, Brisbane
Presented ‘AK Certification Seminar – Session 3’, Adelaide
ICAK-A Seminar Convenor – Brisbane AGM (March) and Koh Samui (July)
Presenting ‘Sagittal Labyrinthine Reflex – An Approach To Achieving Movement Efficiency Using AK Paradigm’ at ICAK International Conference, Berlin, September 2010
YourBodyWorks now employs 4 Chiropractors and 7 Chiropractic Assistants
Presented ‘AK Certification Session 3’ in Auckland
ICAK-A Seminar Convenor – Sydney AGM and Samoa Seminars
ICAK-A Website Convenor – www.icaka.org.au
Unearthed corrections to assist the integration of the ‘Stepping Reflex’, ‘Heel Reflex’, and ‘Suprapubic Reflex’ presented in Samoa
Presented ‘Retained Neonatal Reflexes’ seminar in Adelaide
Presented ‘New Personal Best – An Approach To Achieving Movement Efficiency Using AK Paradigm’, ICAK-Australasia Winter seminar, Coolangatta
Presented ‘Hemisphere Dysfunction & Hemispheric Synchronisation’ procedures, ICAK-Australasia Winter seminar, Coolangatta
Achieved Diplomate of International Board of Applied Kinesiology (DIBAK). Susan is the 8th practitioner in Australia to receive DIBAK status, and the first Australian female.
Accepted on the Board of Certified Teachers (BCT) for International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK)
Presented ‘Palmar Reflex: Diagnosis & Correction Using Applied Kinesiology Paradigm’ ICAK-Australasia Seminar, Vietnam
Presented ‘Plantar Reflex: Diagnosis & Correction Using Applied Kinesiology Paradigm’ ICAK-Australasia Seminar, Vietnam
Lectured CAA-Q ‘Retained Neonatal (Primitive) Reflexes & Enhancing Child Development’, Brisbane
Lectured ‘Retained Neonatal Reflexes and Learning Difficulty’ as Advanced AK Course with Keith Keen, Sydney
Presented ‘Hemispheric Synchronisation’ procedure, ICAK-A Advanced AK seminar, Melbourne
Lectured ‘Retained Neonatal Reflexes and Learning Difficulty’ as Advanced AK Course with Dr Keith Keen DC, Melbourne
Presented ‘Acoustic Evolked Startle Reflex’ ICAK-Australasia, Sydney
Lectured Human Anatomy, Qi Yoga Mona Vale
Life is for learning. And the more I learn, the more curious I become. I have a thirst to understand things and am passionately inquisitive. My patients and my children are my greatest teachers. But here are my formal foundation studies.
Diplomate of the International Board of Applied Kinesiology
Board of Certified Teachers
Master of Chiropractic
Bachelor of Science (Anatomy)
The future belongs to the curious.
The ones who are not afraid to try it, explore it, poke at it, question it, and turn it inside out.
I just can’t help it. Creating yet another clinic is what brings me alive. While I love crafts and am great with my hands, I came to realise when young that drawing and painting is not a gift, skill or talent for me to behold. When I was older though, I realised my businesses are my canvas and I give each of them a personality which blossoms as they grow.
Align & Shine is now located on Felix Street, Lutwyche on Brisbane’s Northern Busway. We were previously located in Chermside West (Brisbane) in August 2018-May 2023, and Wavell Heights June 2023-July 2024.
Today Susan is sometimes accompanied by Max, Align&SHINE’s straight coat cavoodle who may just totter out to greet you and curl up to rest during your consultation.
Retail and Practitioner Support2018-2021
We were Australia’s exclusive wholesale distributor of Enterosgel®. We were strictly Business-to-Business and closed distribution in January 2021 to focus on clinical and teaching endeavours.
Enterosgel is a drug-free tasteless gel that is an absolute god send for anyone with stomach and intestinal illness symptoms. It works in such a gentle, yet effective way, it can be used during pregnancy, while breastfeeding and for children from one year old. In a nutshell, it absorbs certain particles in the gut so your body doesn’t! This means the substances that are irreversibly bound to the gel pass out of your body with your stool.
My role was to enable local access to Enterosgel® for all Australians by keeping clinics, pharmacies, and other resellers knowledgable and well stocked.
Meant to be…
Jani, a sought after psychologist set up a beachy, enlightening and soothing centre called Brilliance Counselling and Consultancy in the heart of Redcliffe. A few years later, I dreamt of setting up a new clinic named Brilliance Chiropractic and pursued the registration and design of the new place and I dreamt I’d start off small, in an existing health centre and grow from there. Incredibly, Jani and I met via Gumtree in January 2018 when I stumbled upon her ad for a room to let in her business, and from there a beautiful association formed. It was an easy decision to join her practice, like it was a match made in heaven.
I ceased treating at Brilliance at the end of July 2018 to reestablish my clinic in North Brisbane.
What a wonderful place to work! I can’t come to this clinic and not feel happy. It’s decorated for the hundreds of children who get treated here. I’ve been privileged to watch so many families blossom through the stages of infancy to teens. They feel like family.
My job here as Chiropractor has been to train my Chiropractic Associates, Chiropractic Assistants and support staff. To keep the standards high, the team managed and motivated, and the clinic excelling. In July 2016 I sold this business and continued on as an Associate Chiropractor until February 2018.
I learned a lot from my mentor Dr Adam Meredith here. He taught me how to think like a business woman, which was exactly what I needed for my next move.
Working under Dr Keith Keen has been the greatest gift I could have imagined first year out of University. He taught me his life’s learnings and I have treasured them. He taught me that the greatest gift for any teacher is to have their student surpass them. He taught me how to be an ego free teacher, share my knowledge unreservedly with those who ask, and how to live without expectations. He shaped me into the practitioner and teacher I have become.
What an honour to be invited to tutor and examine 2nd year Chiropractic Skills whilst in my final year of my Masters of Chiropractic. And what a delightful bunch of students we had that year!